Monday, September 22, 2008

The Race

So I've achieved level 37. I've been wondering about what places I would visit and I've travelled the length of both continents now. Tusken seems to enjoy these journeys as he really likes fighting new enemies and beasts. A part of me wished that I didn't have to travel such long distances at times as it would make things a lot quicker and easier. That being said though, this hasn't been a slow process to begin with. I have finished my series of quests in Hillsbrad and the Thousand Needles so I am now working my way through STV, Alterac Valley, and Desolace. Before making my way into Tanaris, Feralas, and The Badlands I plan on visiting the Swamp of Sorrows and Dustwallow marsh soon to get some experience in those areas as well. Life is swell and I couldn't be happier with how quickly I am moving.

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