Saturday, September 27, 2008

On the subject of Pets.

Now that Jujukitty is fully trained I have noticed something quite interesting. My cat has better survivability than my boar. Now I am wondering 'why is that?' Not that I mind all that much, it's just perplexing. Boars are suppose to be really good as leveling pets and decent tanking pets. Now that my cat is up to speed I'm finding that Jujukitty excels and is an overall better pet than my boar Tusken. I'm guessing this is confirming what I've been reading and hearing with regards to pets for while now. As Blizz has nerfed most pets and/or pet abilities they have inadvertently forced players to go back to cats. As for the specifics of why, I have no clue, but I am hoping with the changes regarding pets coming in LK that they allow for more diversity and don't force hunters to only use one or two pets. Now I'm am debating on whether I will keep my old baby 'Tusken' seeing that Jujukitty is performing so awesomely. I'll give it some more time before I decide.

On another pet related note, I am now understanding more why it is often necessary to respec you pets over and over again. I was knocking out a lot of my quests in Dustwallow Marsh and I was over by Onyxia's lair doing the quests killing the dragonkin and whelps. I began to realize my pet did really well in the one to one fights, but when there were more than one dragonkin, Jujukitty would start to take a ton of fire damage. So I used his remaining training pts and buffed him up on 'fire resist'. This helped tremendously and allowed me to deal with the dragonkin in 2's and 3's. While I've seen it mentioned from time to time about speccing resistance on your pets, I've never really paid all that much attention to it till now. Now I need to learn more about maintaining pets and when and where to respec pet talents to help you move along more smoothly. If anyone has any good sources regarding this kind of pet maintenance I'd love to hear from you?

I dinged 41 this morning and I am off to Mudsprocket to start hammering out those quests. Desolace is now all completed (at least as far as the quests that I want to do) as is The Thousand Needles. I have enough quests to get through another couple of levels in Dustwallow Marsh and STV, so I am going to hold off on jumping into Feralas and Tanaris. If I can hold off till I'm closer to my mid 40's before entering these two areas it should really help me to fly through the remainder of my 40's. Level 50 here I come!

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