Friday, October 3, 2008

A Slight Slow Down


The badlands were not so "Badlands" after all. I was there only for a short stint to knock out a small handful of quests and...... I'm done? I thought this was wrong but I was right. There are some quests that or not showing yellow yet, but other than that. there are no other quests. So I headed off to Tanaris. I've already blew through 5 or 6 quests from Gadgetzan and almost all of the quest in Steamweedle Port. And for all this hard work, I have only gained 1 level. :P
My leveling has been slowed down this week as well by RL matters. No biggy though as I feel confident that I can catch up and still be well into my 60's by the time LK comes out.

One a more positive note though, my cat now has the claw ability and oooooo..... his DPS has jumped significantly. One of the last Damage Meter results I looked at, he was doing 55% of the overall damage, and mine was around 45%. I hadn't expected this but is extremely nice. Now and can tag a mob and let my kitty kill it and the mob will die in the same amount of time that I could kill it. And that leaves me more time to trap and deal with other mobs if my cat doesn't happen to pick them up for me. This helped me a lot in mowing down the Bloodsail pirates this morning.

Now off for some more hunting.

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