Friday, October 24, 2008

Level 60 - Hooray

I completed 4 quests last night in Hellfire and turned them in and 'Ding!', I hit 60!

I was a little surprised. I only played for about 40 minutes and had no intentions of making another level. But, hey, it is another level closer to where I want to be on November 13th. So this morning I hearthed back to Orgrimmar and trained and everything else that I needed to do and found that I am about 100g short of my epic mount. No biggy there, I just sent my bank alt a bunch more stuff and cranked up my AH items for the weekend. Then I ran off to Wintergrasp to finish a few old quests there and to grind for 'Rugged Leather,' so that I can bring my leather working up to the 300 mark. I am only 15 pts away from that so I'll be heading back to do some more grinding there until I have enough leather to hit 300 or better. I don't mind the short break to grind over here for while because it is allowing me to level my gorilla up again and to improve my AoE farming skills. I love being able to round up 2 to 4 mobs and dropping volley twice and seeing all of the dead. :D

I find I am missing out a little in the AoE experience given that I do not have Misdirect yet. With the addition of this shot I feel I'll definitely be able to handle even more mobs. This makes me a little more anxious about hitting 70. One thing though, thanks to the article below from the "Aspect of the Hare" blog, using Aspect of the Beast while dealing with multiple mobs has pretty much insured that I do not have any mobs running after me very often. I'm a little surprised that the boost in damage this Aspect gives generates enough threat to ensure that most mobs will stay on my gorilla for the duration of the fight. I am eager now to finish levelling my Gorilla and get back to Outlands to keep going now and to see how he does there.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I followed a link back from my blog and found yours. :) I'm sure you will have an awesome journey to 70.

Happy hunting!

Zuluki said...

Thank you!

And thank you for visiting. I hope you come by more often. :)