Thursday, October 23, 2008

Slogging Away & Questions on Threat and Aggro.

As I have been racing about Hellfire Peninsula one thing I have noticed here more than I noticed in Azeroth is aggro issues. I am currently using my Ferocity pet (a cat) Jujukitty, for the purpose of killing the mobs faster. Given that I am often times fighting mobs my level or a level or two higher, I find that I am pulling aggro off my pet much more often that I have in the past. Part of this I know has to do with the level of the mobs I dealing with. The other part, I believe, has to do with the Outlands in general. I feel that the mobs in the Outlands respond differently than mobs in Azeroth, and have a much more sensitive setting for aggro. I am also looking more closely at the pet talents and the differences in how the Tenacity and Ferocity talents work.

Threat is a definite tangible aspect now when I'm dealing with mobs, and more so when I am dealing with multiple mobs. I'm seriously considering swiitching to my gorilla for a while to see if this makes a difference. If the gorilla can hold aggro better it will be worth slowing down a little because that will mean that I can apply more damage personally on the targets instead of having to kite, maneauver and trap so much. Interestingly enough, as I've been working this over in my head and trying different things with my cat in game, I found this on another blog this morning;

Aspect of the Beast, An Unlikely Love Story

I have noticed the tooltip change recently but I also didn't pay close attention to it. More pet damage!!! This may make using my gorilla even more useful and quicker when I have Aspect of the Beast up. I'll do some testing tonight to see how this works and play around some with my pets as well. Hopefully by the end of the night tonight I'll hit level 60 and can then finish getting my epic mount.

Unless I can get an escort, I'm going to wait till I have my epic mount to make a run for Shattrath city. Somehow I can't stomach paying a mage to port me there so I'll just have to make a run there soon. With the epic mount it shouldn't be that hard to keep enough speed to stay away from any higher level mobs I might aggro.

Till then,
Happy Hunting

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