Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Year, New Directions?

Well here we are in 2009. RL is hopefully going to abate a little and allow for some more game time soon. Currently with my limited time I try to do a coule of quests per day and then farm for leather. I really want to be at 450 before I hit 80. The nice thing about this that I still have only just scratched the surface in the Grizzly Hills and Dragonblight. At my current level, this should mean that I will be somewhere around 67 or 68 before I leave these areas.

I find it somewhat ironic that hunters everywhere are starting the year on a low note. We are awaiting the hit coming on the next patch. All of us wonder if this will be as big of a nerf as it 'could' be, or water it down a little so it's not a huge hit. As I've talked to other players over the holidays an interesting thought came up. Does Blizz ever adjust something back up if they nerf it? The short answer on this is, "No, not really."

Ghostcrawler seems to think that if steady shot is nerfed down too far that Blizz will go back and adjust things back up. I have not seen this happen very much in the time that I have been playing. In fact it seems that after a major nerf, Blizz seems to forget about what they were doing on that class and spec. Hopefully I'm wrong and what Ghostcrawler says is right, but I am really doubting it. As I troll around the net reading it really seems that Ghostcrawler has lost a lot of respect amongst the players. And I have to say, when GC made the comment that the Blizz tester were more professoinal and better players than the community, I was more than a little disappointed in his comment. Looking at the most prolific posters on sites like Elitist Jerks, and the fact that there are players in the community that the Dev's will go to to talk about things leads me to believe that Ghostcrawler takes his postion 'way too serioiusly' and now seems to think he has a license to show the community how much 'better' he is than us. Sadly this has back fired on him and I think that the best of the best in the live community really are not paying much heed to his rhetoric any more.

We'll see when the patch hits and we can evaluate the overall numbers live. If it happens that this proposed 20% Steady Shot nerf does equate into an overall 25% or more overall DPS nerf when added to the other pet and talent nerf we are getting then I think our community will have some hard decisions to make, and I think the number of hunters live on the servers will be reduced fairly significantly. I personally would hate to see this, but it may be the end result. Either way, I think we are at an interesting juncture where Blizz is seeminly favoring the Plate wearing classes over all the others. If what I read is any indication then this may continue to happen for a while leaving everyone else out in the cold so to say.

Happy Hunting

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