Friday, November 21, 2008

Tanks, Flying Carpets, And Whatelse?

Okay, so I am playing both sides right now in LK. Ally side with a Shammy and Horde with yours truly. The Alliance are missing it all! I haven't even dinged a level and I've destroyed 100+ lvl 72 elites with a tank, flown the wonderful flying carpet you see above several times now and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of play. The closest anything has come to this with LK is the Death Knight starting area.

I've decided that instead of racing to 80 like most people, I am going to find a comfortable rhythm and enjoy the content of Northrend and the story of the Horde there. Other blogs like 'For the Horde' are already talking about the interesting stories and such. WoWInsider had a good article a day or two ago about the stories in the quest chains there. In the coming months I will relate my adventures as I begin to seriously look at the new theorycraft for BM hunters to see where I want to go with Zulu at 80.

I'm sooo having fun!!!!

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