Tuesday, June 9, 2009

RL and WoW

Well, several things have again kept me from blogging like I should. I am still slowly leveling, playing around 4 to 8 hours a week on Zulu and the same on another alt right now. I've had to change jobs like so many out there and that has really thrown off my play times and blogging times.

I've finished Sholazar Basin, I'm mostly done with Dragon Blight and I've entered Zul'Drak. I've found with all the changes BM is still hot and I love how well my kitty works. I use Jujukitty way more than my gorilla unless I know I'm going to be pulling and handling more than 3 mobs at a time.

In my new RL job training is over and I should be settling into a rhythm soon so hopefully I'll be playing more this summer.

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