Monday, November 16, 2009

So many changes and so much to tell!

Well, it's been a long while since I hit 80. I began to push to get geared and started to run a few heroics and then things changed. I decided that I really wanted to have an undead rogue. Since I already had an alliance rogue that was at level 72, I did a faction change and wah-lah now I have an undead rogue. That was in mid september, by mid October the rogue was level 80. A week later this rogue was running heroics like they were going out of style and grinding rep like the mad woman she really was. A week or so after that she was on her first raid and all the rest is history so to say.

Well, that may be so, but the history is still being written and thus my dear Zuluki is on the back burner for the time being. :(

More to come soon, hopefully


1 comment:

Wow gold guide fan said...

hey, you have an awesome blob! I'm into the subject myself, i love this game, its very addictive.